Mishou Magazine Issue #1: Stone Soup

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Our first issue is centered around the theme of “Stone Soup,” inspired by the eponymous folktale.


In the story, some hungry travelers arrive at a village with nothing but an empty pot. At first, when they ask the villagers for food, they are turned away. The travelers take their pot to a stream, fill it with water, and put a large stone in it. They put the pot with the stone over a fire and wait for the water to boil. When the villagers ask what they are doing, the hungry strangers explain that they are making “stone soup”, and will happily share it with everyone. They also welcome the villagers to add some of their own ingredients to the soup to make it even tastier. Slowly but surely, people from the village begin to add bits of leftover food they don’t mind sharing. After each person has added something from their own kitchen, all of the food they have shared makes a delicious meal, big enough for everyone to eat.


Although at the beginning the villagers did not want to share, by the end of the story they realize that when a community comes together they can make something amazing, that helps and nourishes everyone.  


Issue #1 features:  Joana Avillez, Aidan Koch, Maggie Lee, Kayla Ephros, Jen Shear, Genesis Evans, Jasmin Flores, Yoma Ru Smith, Kataoka Meriyasu, Lydia, Childish Books, Artists from RezHeartwork (Jade, Julie, McKaylee), “cowrice” (Grace, Philip, Sum Ying, Ying Ying), Nima Lee Sutherland, Jaiden Evans, Eta, Lowe, Bo, Pedro, Fabian, Lylah, Maxine, Chow, Issa, Andre, Aaliyah, Niagara, Malcolm, Derya, Lux, Nolawit, and Nir.  


Highlighting work by artists ages 15 and under, collaborations between generations, and interactive sections, Mishou aims to validate children's identities as individuals and artists, and encourage intergenerational engagement through the arts.


Every issue, 50% of the magazines are donated to various cultural institutions, public schools, and non-profit organizations centered around early childhood arts education.